Embedding Google Doc like functionality in a Bubble app

Learn about embedding Google Docs in Bubble.io for real-time collaborative editing. Boost productivity and enhance team collaboration in your app.

Created by:

Matt Graham


July 30, 2024




With the rise of remote work and the need for efficient team collaboration, businesses must ensure that their tools can support real-time, multi-user editing. But how can you integrate such sophisticated functionality into your applications, and what benefits does it bring?

Collaborative editing allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, with changes appearing in real time for everyone involved. This feature generally includes not only basic text editing but also advanced capabilities like version history, commenting, and suggestion tracking. Implementing these capabilities can significantly boost productivity, streamline workflows, and enhance team collaboration.

Embedding Google Doc-like functionality in your application enhances teamwork by allowing multiple users to edit documents together, ensures everyone has access to the latest document version, and minimizes the risk of miscommunication. Moreover, centralizing document management and collaboration can simplify project oversight and improve overall efficiency.

In this article, we will delve into the essential components of collaborative editing, highlight the benefits of integrating these features into your Bubble app, and provide a guide on how to implement Google Doc-like functionality into your Bubble app. 

Ready to enhance your Bubble app with powerful collaborative editing features? Contact Rapid Dev for expert guidance and implementation support today!

Why not just embed Google Docs as an iFrame?

Embedding Google Docs as an iFrame in your Bubble app might seem like a straightforward solution, but it comes with certain limitations. The primary issue is that Google Docs needs to be tied to the users accounts to allow the users to be able to access and edit the documents. This requirement can complicate user management within apps and adds unnecessary friction to the user experience. Another major limitation is the lack of control over document permissions. In such a case, the permissions are governed by Google’s system, which means you cannot implement custom permission schemes or access rights based on your app’s specific requirements. This restriction makes it challenging to manage user access effectively and ensure document security.

A screenshot of a Google Docs presentation with a focus on the ‘Publish to the web’ dialog box. The dialog box shows options such as ‘Link’ and ‘Embed’, with the ‘Embed code’ highlighted, indicating its relevance to embedding Google Docs in Bubble.io. The image is overlaid with a red prohibition sign, suggesting that embedding Google Docs in this manner is not allowed or recommended.

Hence, instead of embedding Google Docs as an iFrame, implementing Google Doc-like functionality directly in your Bubble app using tools like Tiptap offers greater flexibility, control, and a seamless user experience. This approach allows you to manage user permissions natively within your app, eliminate dependencies on external accounts, and provide a more integrated and user-friendly solution.

Understanding Collaborative Editing and Real-Time Functionality

What is Collaborative Editing?

Collaborative editing refers to the ability for multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, with each user's changes being visible to others in real time. This functionality is essential in environments where teamwork and efficiency are prioritized, such as in remote work settings or dynamic project teams.

A user interface of a messaging application showing a conversation between three users: Monica, Michal, and Anne. Monica’s messages are in blue, Michal’s in purple, and Anne’s in yellow. The conversation includes feedback on text content and suggestions for adding more concept images. The interface also displays various editing tools at the top, relevant to embedding Google Docs in Bubble.io.

Key features of collaborative editing include:

  • Simultaneous Editing: Multiple users can edit the same document at the same time.
  • Real-Time Updates: Changes made by one user are instantly reflected for all other users.
  • Conflict Resolution: The system handles potential conflicts arising from concurrent edits.
  • Version Control: Users can track changes, revert to previous versions, and manage the document's history.
  • Commenting and Suggesting: Users can leave comments and suggestions, facilitating discussion and feedback within the document.

By enabling real-time collaboration, teams can work more cohesively, reduce the time spent on merging changes, and enhance overall productivity.

How Does Real-Time Synchronization Work?

Real-time synchronization is the backbone of collaborative editing, ensuring that all users see the latest document changes as they happen. When a user makes a change to the document, this change is immediately transmitted to the server. The server processes the change, updates the master version of the document and then broadcasts the update to all other connected clients. Each client receives the update and applies it to their local copy of the document. This process happens almost instantaneously, giving the illusion that all users are working on the same document in real time.

A diagram representing a database synchronization system between a shop and a customer. The diagram includes three main elements: the shop with a local database, the central server with remote database capabilities, and the customer with another local database. Arrows labeled “live sync” indicate real-time data synchronization between these elements, relevant to embedding Google Docs in Bubble.io.

Several key technologies and techniques make this possible:

  • WebSockets: A communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. This allows for low-latency, real-time communication between the client and server.
  • Operational Transformation (OT): An algorithm that ensures consistency in real-time collaborative editing by transforming operations in a way that resolves conflicts and preserves the intent of each user's changes.
  • Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs): Data structures that allow multiple users to concurrently edit a document and automatically resolve conflicts, ensuring eventual consistency across all copies.

By leveraging these technologies, applications can provide a seamless collaborative editing experience, enabling users to work together efficiently, no matter where they are.

Benefits of Google Doc-like Real Time Editing Functionality

Implementing real time functionalities in your application brings numerous benefits. Enhanced collaboration is achieved as teams can work together seamlessly, regardless of their physical location, leading to more cohesive and synchronized efforts. Improved productivity results from the ability to make real-time edits and immediate feedback, reducing the time spent on merging changes and clarifying edits. Better document management and version control ensure that all changes are tracked, and previous versions can be accessed, providing a clear audit trail and reducing the risk of data loss. Overall, embedding Google Doc-like functionality in your application can significantly elevate the collaborative capabilities, efficiency, and reliability of document management for your users.

Best Practices for Collaborative Document Management

Ensuring Data Consistency and Integrity

Maintain data consistency by implementing mechanisms that validate and synchronize changes across all connected clients. Use timestamp-based conflict resolution methods or operational transformation (OT) algorithms to ensure that conflicting edits are managed transparently and accurately.

Handling Conflicts and Merging Changes

Develop strategies to handle conflicts that arise when multiple users edit the same document simultaneously. Provide clear notifications to users when conflicts occur and implement intuitive resolution mechanisms, such as manual review or automatic merging based on predefined rules.

Optimizing Performance for Large Documents

Optimize performance for large documents by implementing efficient data fetching and rendering strategies. Use pagination or lazy loading techniques to fetch and display document content incrementally, reducing load times and improving user experience, especially in low-bandwidth environments.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

Handling Real-Time Synchronization Issues

Monitor and address real-time synchronization issues promptly to ensure all users see updates in real time. Implement robust error handling and logging mechanisms to detect synchronization failures early. Conduct regular testing and simulations to identify potential synchronization bottlenecks before they impact users.

Managing Concurrent Edits and Conflicts

Educate users on best practices for collaborative editing and provide tools to manage concurrent edits effectively. Implement version control and history tracking to revert to previous document states if conflicts cannot be resolved automatically.

Ensuring Scalability and Performance

Plan for scalability by choosing a real-time collaboration service that can handle increased user traffic and document complexity. Implement caching mechanisms and optimize database queries to enhance application performance under heavy loads. Regularly monitor system performance metrics and scale resources accordingly to maintain optimal performance levels.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Real-Time Collaboration Service

Compatibility with Bubble

When selecting a real-time collaboration service for your Bubble application, compatibility is crucial. Ensure that the service integrates seamlessly with Bubble's architecture and supports the features you need for collaborative editing. Services like Tiptap, designed specifically for rich text editing and real-time collaboration, offer plugins or libraries that can be easily integrated into Bubble without extensive customization. Compatibility ensures that your collaborative features work smoothly within the Bubble environment, minimizing development time and effort.

Cost and Scalability

Consider the cost and scalability of the collaboration service. Evaluate pricing models, such as subscription-based plans or pay-as-you-go options, to determine which aligns best with your budget and anticipated usage. Scalability is equally important, especially if your application is expected to grow in user base and document volume. Ensure that the service can handle increased traffic and user interactions without compromising performance. Look for features like auto-scaling and flexible pricing tiers that accommodate your app's growth trajectory.

Security and Compliance

Security is paramount when handling sensitive data and real-time collaboration. Choose a service that prioritizes data security and compliance with industry standards and regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). Look for features such as end-to-end encryption, secure socket layer (SSL) protocols for data transmission, and compliance certifications from reputable authorities. Ensure that the service provides robust access controls and auditing capabilities to protect user data and maintain trust.

Ease of Integration and Use

Opt for a collaboration service that offers ease of integration and usability. Consider the developer experience in integrating the service into your Bubble app. Look for comprehensive documentation, SDKs, and libraries that simplify integration tasks. User-friendly interfaces and intuitive features enhance usability, making it easier for both developers and end-users to adopt and navigate the collaborative tools. Evaluate the service's support channels and community forums for assistance with troubleshooting and resolving integration issues promptly.

Step-by-Step: Implementing Google Doc-like Functionality in Your Bubble App with Tiptap

Introduction to Tiptap and Its Integration

Tiptap Logo. Embedding Google Doc in Bubble.io

Tiptap is an advanced rich-text editor built on ProseMirror, designed to provide extensive customization options and an intuitive user experience. Its modular architecture allows developers to tailor the editor to their specific needs, integrating a variety of features such as collaborative editing, media embedding, and markdown support. When integrated with Bubble, Tiptap enables developers to create dynamic and feature-rich complex text editing experiences within their web applications. 

Setting up your Bubble Environment

Begin by creating a new application in Bubble or opening an existing project. Ensure you have installed the necessary plugins like Tiptap plugin for rich text editing, S3 Plugin  for File storage, etc. By embedding Tiptap for rich text editing within your Bubble app, you simplify the process as Tiptap handles the rich-text functionalities, reducing the need to set up complex Bubble database tables for storing document data or managing real-time updates. This approach minimizes workload units and streamlines data management.

Showcasing how to install the Tiptap plugin on Bubble.io. Embedding Google Doc in Bubble.io.

Implementing Real-Time Collaboration

Tiptap supports real-time collaboration out of the box. There are different ways in which we can set this up. One of the options is to use a free plugin. Start by visiting collab.tiptap.dev to obtain your app_id and app secret from the settings page. Add the app secret to your plugin settings in Bubble. Next, create a state of type text on the page (or wherever you prefer) to store the generated JWT (JSON Web Token), and name this state generated JWT. Then, create a workflow that triggers when the page loads, using the action generate JWT token to generate the token. Follow this with a set state action to store the result in the generated JWT state. In your Tiptap element, enable the collaboration feature by checking the collaboration box. Enter your app id in the app_id field, specify a name for your document in the doc_id field, and reference the generated JWT in the JWT field. This setup will ensure real-time collaboration is properly configured in your Bubble app using Tiptap.

Another option is to code this as a separate project on React where the editor is built and hosted on cloud. This is followed by creating a special middleware plugin for embedding the iframe of the Tiptap editor within the Bubble application. Additionally, the editor is prevented from opening directly from the browser to protect its use outside of the Bubble app. Of course this approach requires some knowledge of coding, but gives far more flexibility when compared to the plugin approach.

Testing and Debugging

Thoroughly test your collaborative editing features to ensure they work seamlessly within Tiptap. Simulate multiple users editing the same document to check for synchronization issues and conflicts. Debug any problems that arise, such as delays in real-time updates or errors in version control. Continuous testing is crucial to maintain a smooth and reliable user experience.

By using Tiptap, you can efficiently embed Google Doc-like functionality in your Bubble app, enhancing its collaborative capabilities without burdening Bubble's database or workflow units. This approach provides users with a powerful tool for real-time document editing, all managed within the Tiptap environment.


Embedding Google Doc-like functionality in Bubble apps using tools like Tiptap represents a significant leap forward in collaborative document management. By leveraging real-time editing capabilities developers can empower users to collaborate seamlessly on documents from anywhere in the world.

The step-by-step implementation guide provided in this article demonstrates how Bubble developers can integrate Tiptap effectively, eliminating the need for extensive backend database management and workload units. This approach not only simplifies development but also enhances performance and scalability.

Looking forward, ongoing advancements in real-time collaboration technologies promise to further enhance the capabilities of Bubble applications. Future innovations may include enhanced synchronization methods, improved handling of large documents, and integration with cutting-edge technologies.

Explore the possibilities of integrating Google Doc-like functionality into your Bubble apps today. Enhance collaboration, streamline document management, and elevate user productivity with powerful, real-time editing tools tailored to your application's needs.

Reach out to our team for guidance on implementing these solutions and discover how Tiptap can transform your Bubble app into a collaborative powerhouse. Start building richer user experiences and driving efficiency with advanced document editing features today.

Transform your Bubble app with Tiptap's advanced editing tools. Reach out to Rapid Dev, your trusted Bubble.io development agency, and let us help you create a seamless collaborative experience!

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