/No-Code Reviews

Xano Review 2024: Pros, Cons, Security | RapidDevelopers

Xano is a top low-code platform ideal for quickly setting up a backend for no-code apps. 

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Xano is user-friendly, letting developers make great apps quickly. With many features, it is perfect for businesses wanting to speed up their app making. If you need a low-code solution for web or mobile apps, think about Xano. Picking the right platform is vital, and trying something new can be daunting. In this review, we'll ease your worries about Xano, giving you all the details to decide if it's right for your project. We'll show you what Xano offers, its pros and cons, helping you see if it fits your needs. Even if new choices can be scary, Xano has lots to help you make awesome apps fast.

What is Xano?

Xano is mainly for creating and handling the backend of web apps. It offers features like managing APIs, databases, user logins, and serverless tasks. 

Even though Xano doesn't have its own frontend builder, it gives you an API to connect your backend and pull data. This lets you make the frontend using popular tools like React, Vue, or Angular.

You can also use Xano's ready-made frontend parts like forms and charts for easy backend interaction.

So, in simple terms, Xano focuses on the backend but gives you tools and options to work with any frontend setup.

Is Xano good for a startup?

Xano is perfect for making a startup's MVP because it lets you create backend features fast with little coding. You can quickly set up web apps using its ready-made tools like user login, managing data, and making APIs. 

Using Xano's simple components and friendly design, you can make a test version of your product swiftly, getting feedback sooner. Plus, as your startup grows, Xano can scale with you and connect with other tools.

In short, Xano is a top pick for MVPs, letting you concentrate on your app's main features and testing your startup idea without diving deep into tricky backend work.

Is Xano good for an enterprise?

Xano is a top choice for crafting big business apps. It comes packed with must-have features like API tools, no-server functions, user sign-ins, and managing data. Thanks to its low-code style, you can make apps more quickly and save money compared to old-school methods. This means developers can zero in on the main app tasks while Xano takes care of the techy backend details.

A big plus for Xano is that it can grow. It's designed to manage lots of users and actions, so it's perfect for apps that get heavy use. Plus, it smoothly links with other tools and platforms. This is great if your company already uses other tech tools that need to connect with the new app.

To sum up, if you want a fast, expandable, and easy-to-use solution for a big app, Xano stands out.


What can you build with Xano?

RapidDev has a skilled team ready to help businesses make strong web apps with Xano's no-code system. We can add all the key features you need, whether it's a simple tool or a detailed fix for a big challenge. Using Xano's power, we turn your cool ideas into reality fast. Let's explore what you can do with this awesome platform.

API creation

Xano lets you make and handle APIs with ease as it's built for that. You can set up both RESTful and GraphQL APIs, decide on access points, and organize data structures.

Managing databases

Xano offers a ready-to-use database service. It works with many databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. You can visually set up tables, data points, and connections or bring in a layout from another database.

User sign-in and rights

Xano comes with tools for user sign-in and rights. This means you can make login pages, handle user types and access, and let users sign in in different ways, like with their email, social accounts, or a unified sign-in system.

Internet of Things (IoT) apps

It lets you craft apps that link to and manage smart devices, helping businesses gather and look at live data. With tools for connecting to IoT platforms, managing devices, and displaying data, Xano stands out. And its ability to work even with weak internet connections is a big plus.

Web Apps

With Xano, crafting stylish web apps is simple. It's packed with easy-to-use tools like drag-and-drop design and ready-made visual elements. Want a unique touch? Customize with basic CSS and HTML. Plus, boost your online presence with SEO tools, manage content effortlessly, and even set up an online store.

Business task automation

Xano makes it easy to automate those repetitive business tasks and processes. Use its simple drag-and-drop tools to design workflows, manage business operations, and analyze processes. Plus, it smoothly connects with other systems and databases, so you can automate activities across different functions.

Is Xano secure?

Absolutely, Xano prioritizes security and puts many safeguards in place to protect its platform and your data.

Safe data transfer: Xano uses strong SSL/TLS encryption, making sure any data moving between your app and Xano stays private and secure.

Who can access what: You can set roles and permissions in Xano. This means you decide who gets to see or use specific data or features.

Logging in: Xano has several ways users can log in, whether it's through email, social accounts, or a unified login system. Plus, you can set and manage user roles.

Track actions: With Xano, you get detailed logs that show all platform activities. This can help if you need to look into any security matters.

Meeting standards: Xano ticks boxes for big security standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS. Plus, they give you tools to help meet any rules or regulations you need to follow.

Security checks: Xano does routine security tests, hunting for and fixing any weak spots.

In a nutshell, Xano offers a safe environment for building and launching apps. But remember, part of the security also depends on you. Always use tough passwords, update your software, and test your app's security often.

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Why choose Xano?

  • Easy Choices with Xano

Xano lets you pick from many databases, API designs, and coding languages, so you can tailor your backend just how you like.

  • Grows with You

Thanks to Xano's serverless setup, it can grow with your traffic. No fuss, no manual adjustments; it handles the heavy lifting.

  • Seamless Connections

Need to link up with other services? Xano has you covered. From payments to emails and texts, it easily integrates with several third-party tools, simplifying your app building process.

Xano Pros

Easy Coding with Xano

Xano crafts code for you based on your selections, making backend work faster and simpler.

Quick Ideas Come to Life

With Xano, you can sketch out your backend ideas swiftly, letting you see what works before diving deep into development.

Stay Updated Instantly

Keep tabs on how things are going with Xano's instant analytics. From performance to any hiccups, you're always in the know.

Perfect for Mobile

Thinking mobile? Xano's ready with features like alerts, location services, and secure mobile sign-ins.

Xano Cons

Sticking with Xano

Remember, Xano is unique, so moving to another backend might have its challenges.

Less Control on the Backend

With Xano's serverless design, you don't get to tinker much with its base infrastructure.

Mainly for Backend Work

Xano shines in backend tasks. For frontend stuff, it might have fewer options.

Costs Can Vary

Xano's flexible pricing is great for small ventures, but if you're big or super busy, costs might go up.


What can I make with Xano?

You can use Xano to craft web or mobile apps, no matter how simple or intricate they are. It's especially handy for apps needing detailed data setups, APIs, or special functions. Xano's setup is super adaptable, scaling easily with your needs.

How does Xano charge?

You pay as you use with Xano. Costs depend on things like how much you use the Xano API, your storage, and data movement. But if you're bigger or have unique demands, there are tailored pricing plans.

Any limit on APIs with Xano?

The starter (Free) plan has a little limit on API calls (10 every 20 seconds). But the advanced plans? Create as many as your app demands! Xano even lets you design flexible API points.

Can Xano play nice with other frontend tools?

Absolutely! You can team Xano with your favorite frontend tools or languages, like React, Vue.js, or mobile apps. And yes, there's a handy Xano JavaScript tool to make this even smoother.

Can I launch my Xano setup on any cloud?

Yes, you can. Whether it's AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, or others like DigitalOcean and Linode, Xano is flexible.

How does Xano manage heavy traffic?

Xano's ready for loads of users. It self-adjusts, spreading user visits across its system for best speed. Plus, it uses tricks like caching to serve data super quick.

Can I tweak sign-in setups in Xano?

Sure thing! Xano's login system is versatile. Pick from password logins, social sign-ins, or token methods. You also get to decide who sees what in your app.

Yes! Its RESTful API works with any frontend setup, like Angular, iOS, or Android apps. Plus, Xano's got a neat JavaScript tool to get things rolling faster.

Yes! Its RESTful API works with any frontend setup, like Angular, iOS, or Android apps. Plus, Xano's got a neat JavaScript tool to get things rolling faster.

Thinking of moving from Xano later?

You can shift from Xano to another platform down the line. Just remember, moving might have challenges. It's wise to get some expert advice to make the switch smoother.

Xano is user-friendly, letting developers make great apps quickly. With many features, it is perfect for businesses wanting to speed up their app making. If you need a low-code solution for web or mobile apps, think about Xano. Picking the right platform is vital, and trying something new can be daunting. In this review, we'll ease your worries about Xano, giving you all the details to decide if it's right for your project. We'll show you what Xano offers, its pros and cons, helping you see if it fits your needs. Even if new choices can be scary, Xano has lots to help you make awesome apps fast.


Looking for a backend solution? Xano stands out as a top-tier backend-as-a-service platform, making app development quick and safe. With a user-friendly dashboard, support for multiple languages, easy scaling, and strong security features, Xano meets many developer needs. While there might be some customization limits and the usual concerns about sticking with one vendor, its convenience, adaptability, and cost-efficiency keep it high on the developer's list. So, if you're on the hunt for an affordable and trustworthy backend platform, Xano could be your go-to.

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Article author:
Matt Gragam, CEO of RapidDevelopers, article author

Matt Graham

CEO. We help companies by building apps 10x faster using no-code.

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