/No-Code Reviews

Backendless Review 2024: Pros, Cons, Security | RapidDevelopers

Backendless is a top low-code platform worth checking out. It's simple to use, letting developers craft quality apps in no time. 

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Backendless packs a punch with many features, making app creation a breeze for businesses. Considering a low-code platform for web or mobile apps? Give Backendless a thought. Picking the right platform can make or break your project. If you're on the fence about Backendless, our detailed review is here to help. We'll break down its strengths, perks, and any downsides, giving you a clear picture of what it offers. While trying something new can be daunting, Backendless offers tools that speed up your work and ensure top-notch results.

What is Backendless?

Backendless is an easy-to-use low-code platform for making web and mobile apps. Developers can build great apps fast without dealing with the server side. It gives you all the tools you need, like handling databases, user sign-ins, storing files, and more. With its user-friendly design and drag-and-drop feature, both expert developers and beginners can use Backendless with ease.

Is Backendless good for a startup?

Absolutely, Backendless is ideal for creating a startup MVP. It's low-code, has ready-made backend features, and can save you a lot of time and effort. You can easily put together a working prototype, get feedback from users, and tweak it as needed. Plus, as your startup grows, Backendless can grow with it, thanks to its scalability and customization. In short, for a fast and budget-friendly MVP launch, Backendless is a top choice.

Is Backendless good for an enterprise?

Sure, Backendless is a solid choice for crafting an enterprise app. It comes packed with features that help developers whip up strong, scalable apps with less coding. Thanks to its backend-as-a-service (BaaS), you get ready-to-use functions like user sign-ins, data handling, and file storage. This can save a lot of time and effort in app development. As your business needs shift, Backendless lets you adjust and grow your app. But remember, the best fit depends on your app's unique needs and complexity. So, it's wise to weigh Backendless's strengths and limits against your project goals before diving in.


What can you build with Backendless?

Backendless is a top-notch low-code platform that lets you whip up tailored apps without a fuss. With RapidDev's expertise, your Backendless app journey becomes smoother, adding any features you fancy. Need a basic app for business tasks or a detailed one for big challenges? RapidDev has got you covered. Backendless opens doors to endless creative app solutions. Dive in and see what you can craft with Backendless.

Mobile Apps

With Backendless, making native apps for iOS and Android is a breeze. It offers easy customization, top-notch security, and handy features like drag-and-drop design. Plus, you can tap into phone features like the camera and GPS. And the best part? Your app works offline too, so users aren't tied to an internet connection.

Web Apps

With Outsystems, crafting stylish web apps is simple. It's packed with easy-to-use tools like drag-and-drop design and ready-made visual elements. Want a unique touch? Customize with basic CSS and HTML. Plus, boost your online presence with SEO tools, manage content effortlessly, and even set up an online store.

Internet of Things (IoT) apps

It lets you craft apps that link to and manage smart devices, helping businesses gather and look at live data. With tools for connecting to IoT platforms, managing devices, and displaying data, Outsystems stands out. And its ability to work even with weak internet connections is a big plus.

Social network

A social network is a website where people can connect, share stuff, and chat. Users can set up profiles, post updates, and react to others with likes or comments. They can also join groups or events and find others with the same interests.

E-commerce Stores

Sell products with style! Make (ex-Integromat) provides all the tools you need to design a sleek online shop, manage products, and process transactions.

Tailored Apps

With Backendless, you get a versatile backend perfect for crafting custom apps. Whether it's for sectors like health, learning, money matters, or fun, this platform has got you covered.

Is Backendless secure?

Backendless is built to keep user data safe. It uses SSL/TLS encryption, so information shared between apps and servers is protected. 

The platform has many built-in security tools. For example, it checks who's trying to access the app, and only allows people with the right permission. It's designed to spot and block common online threats, like unwanted scripts or forceful login attempts.

Backendless also meets standards like GDPR and HIPAA. This means it's trusted to handle sensitive data following specific rules.

While Backendless does a lot to ensure safety, users should also be careful and follow good security habits when building their apps.

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Why choose Backendless?

  • Growth Ready

Backendless lets your app grow effortlessly. As your app gets bigger, you can add more storage, power, or speed easily.

  • Versatile

Backendless is adaptable. Whether you're building mobile, web, or IoT apps, it fits your needs.

  • Easy Connections

With Backendless, connecting your app to services like online payments, social networks, or data tools is a breeze.

Backendless Pros

Safety First

Backendless focuses on keeping your app data safe with many security tools.

Save Money

With Backendless, you spend less because you only pay for what you use, and there are no hidden fees.

Always Backed Up

Backendless makes sure your data is saved, so you don't lose anything important.

Instant Updates

Backendless lets your app show data changes right away with real-time syncing.

Backendless Cons

Less Room for Tweaks

Backendless is flexible, but it might not have every tweak or feature developers want.

Depends on Others

Backendless uses other services, like cloud hosts, to run. So, if those services have issues, Backendless might too.

Stuck in One Place

After building on Backendless, moving to a different service might be hard. This could limit choices later on.

Pricing model

Backendless is budget-friendly, but you might end up paying for stuff you don't use, which can cost more.


Which coding languages work with Backendless?

Backendless works with many languages like Java, JavaScript, Swift, and Kotlin.

Does Backendless help with mobile apps?

Yes, Backendless helps developers make mobile apps fast and safe.

Is Backendless safe?

Yes, Backendless focuses on keeping your app data safe with strong security features.

Can I tweak Backendless for my app?

Yes, you can shape Backendless to fit your app's unique needs.

Is Backendless user-friendly?

Backendless is simple for developers, but like anything new, it might take some time to learn.

Can Backendless handle app growth?

Yes, Backendless can grow with your app, letting you adjust things like storage and speed.

Which services work with Backendless?

Backendless connects easily with services like payment systems, social networks, and data trackers.

Backendless is wallet-friendly. You pay for what you use and there are no starting fees. They even have a free option.

Backendless is wallet-friendly. You pay for what you use and there are no starting fees. They even have a free option.

Can I move my app from Backendless later?

You can move your app from Backendless, but it might be tricky. It's a good idea to weigh the pros and cons before picking Backendless or any platform.

Backendless packs a punch with many features, making app creation a breeze for businesses. Considering a low-code platform for web or mobile apps? Give Backendless a thought. Picking the right platform can make or break your project. If you're on the fence about Backendless, our detailed review is here to help. We'll break down its strengths, perks, and any downsides, giving you a clear picture of what it offers. While trying something new can be daunting, Backendless offers tools that speed up your work and ensure top-notch results.


To sum up, Backendless is a strong yet easy-to-use platform that helps developers make and start their apps safely and swiftly. It supports many coding languages, scales with your needs, and is budget-friendly. While there are a few limits in customizing and the challenge of changing platforms later, many developers choose Backendless for its straightforward design and adaptability. If you need a dependable backend platform that won't break the bank, think about using Backendless.

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Article author:
Matt Gragam, CEO of RapidDevelopers, article author

Matt Graham

CEO. We help companies by building apps 10x faster using no-code.

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Starting a new venture? Need to upgrade your web or mobile app?
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Bubble vs Backendless

In the rapidly evolving world of no-code development, Backendless and stand out as prominent platforms, each offering unique strengths for building web and mobile applications.

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