Nextdoorly - Neighborhood Communities is a no-code social network template for local communities. Nextdoorly enables you to communicate with just your neighbors sharing information that pertains to your neighborhood. You can share crime reports or lost and found items in your neighborhood. You could advertise your events and also create private groups just for your neighbors.
Social networking for local communities ; Responsive design (updated to the new Bubble Responsive Engine) ; User dashboard ; Admin Dashboard for overall admin management ; Clean User Interface similar to ; Mobile Number and Home Number background API address check for security.
Reach out now and get our team of experts to guide you to your perfect template and answer all your questions within 12 hours.
Uplisty is a clean and powerful ranking website that allows your users to create custom listings on your platform that they and others can rank and comment.
Product Hunt Lite is a no-code template that includes an intuitive front-end
Product Hunt is a no-code app template that replicates Product Hunt's core functionality! With both an intuitive front-end and powerful admin platform, this app has what yo
Linky is a no-code app template with functionality similar to LinkedIn, which can be used to create any kind of social network.
LinkedIn Lite is a template built without code that can be used to create a social media app.
Feedy is an anonymous social network template similar to YikYak.
This is a template that allows you to create your own Meetup/Events platform. Users can search for and participate in meetups and/or host their own meetups.
Diggy is a fully responsive, no-code template enabling blog and news aggregator apps similar to
Tweedly is a no-code responsive micro-blogging template similar to Twitter.
Pinterly is a no-code template like Pinterest.
Produck Hunt is a no-code app template and a clone of Product Hunt. Different filtering options with two separate index pages.
MeetClub is a No-code app template where users can match, create bookings according to each other's available times, chat and make video calls like Lunchclub. Build your advanced network app without code.
Daty is our no-code template, with swiping functionality that works a lot like Tinder.
Tinder Lite is our no-code template, with swiping functionality that works a lot like Tinder.
Fundstarter is a no-code crowdfunding platform for those seeking funding for diverse campaigns like Indiegogo and Kickstarter.
Indiehackers is a community no-code template catering to app developers, startup owners, and entrepreneurs.
Circlely is an excellent no-code app template for those who want to build their community. It was manufactured as a clone of Circle.
Zupperpeer is a no-code peer-to-peer meeting, live stream, educational course, and booking template. Users can book another user at a scheduled time, create a series to make an audience & can live stream with YouTube like Superpeer窓晶
Flicky is a beautiful, no-code, fully responsive image hosting and sharing platform similar to Flickr.
Clonegram is a no-code template which beautifully showcases photos as a clone of Instagram functionality, looking great both on mobile & desktop devices.
$ 199.00 USD
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