Add tooltips to your elements. This is super-easy!In this lightweight plugin, any JS Library is not used.
Containers, Mobile, Productivity, Visual Elements
Element, Action
Service Link:
1- Enable the ID attribute on the settings > general tab2- Give a unique ID to the element
3- Run the "Run" action whenever you want to activate this plugin (E.g. "When: Page is loaded)
Note: This plugin can be applied to text, buttons, and group elements. If you want to use it for another element type, put the element type into a group and give the ID to the group.
Preview :
This Plugin uses the ColorTag API, which is a powerful API for color detection.
This Plugin allows you to find definitions ,related words and much for more than 150,000 words using the Words API from Rapid API.
This Plugin enables you to add a variety of up to date financial Data to your Application using the Alphavantage API.