A fully responsive image slider with customizable options. Centered image, looping and autoplay and more!
Media, Containers, Visual Elements
Element, Event, Action
Service Link:
Make your application more efficient with fully responsive image sliders!
Pagination options
Progress Bar
Active index - Exposes the index of the active slide
Clicked index - Exposes the index of the clicked slide
A slide is Double Clicked (Event) - Can trigger an event by double-clicking a slide.
Centered Slide
All slides will be centered.
Free Mode
Slider not focus on any slide.
Grab Cursor
Mouse cursor changes to grabber
Switching with keyboard or mousewheel
Slides run in loop
Adding text to slides
Adding URL to slides
Customizable arrows, bullets, background images and more!
SwiperJS library was used for this plugin.
This Plugin uses the ColorTag API, which is a powerful API for color detection.
This Plugin allows you to find definitions ,related words and much for more than 150,000 words using the Words API from Rapid API.
This Plugin enables you to add a variety of up to date financial Data to your Application using the Alphavantage API.