Split texts into equal portions with a max character limit, without breaking words or punctuation!Just insert a text: You will be returned the same text, split into a list of texts with similar number of characters. The splitting will not break any words or cut between punctuation.
For a demo please visit: https://onhovereffecttut.bubbleapps.io/version-test/split?debug_mode=true
for a demo in the bubble editor please visit:https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=split&id=onhovereffecttut
Containers, Productivity, Technical, Visual Elements
Element, Action
Service Link:
Add the element onto the page.You then have access to the "Split "action.
simply enter the text that should be splitted and the number of max characters that each splitted string should have. The plugin will then attempt to split the string and will try to keep all splitted texts close to the character limit, without destroying punctuation or splitting words.
You have access to the result via the elements state.
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