This Plugin allows you to trigger the native share functionality and share text + a url as an action in your workflows (for example after the click of a button.) This is especially useful for mobile devices. If the browser is not supported, an event is triggered, allowing you to do an alternative workflow.
For a demo of this plugin please visit:
For a demo of this plugin in the Bubble Editor please visit:
Icons made by from
Mobile, Productivity, Technical, Containers, Visual Elements
Element, Event, Action
Service Link:
Drag the Native Share element onto your page. You now have access to the share action in your workflows. Set the Text, Title and URL in the action. If the browser is not supported an event is triggered. You can then trigger an alternative workflow or show a popup/alert. If the content sharing was a successful another event is triggered.Make sure that the URL you enter to be shared starts with https://
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