/No-Code Reviews

Adalo Review 2024: Pros, Cons, Security | RapidDevelopers

Looking for an easy way to make a mobile app? Think about Adalo. 

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This no-code tool lets you build apps without needing to code. It's user-friendly, has ready-made templates, and connects with other services. Picking the best app maker is crucial. If you're wondering if Adalo fits the bill, we're here to help. In our guide, we tackle common questions and give insights to see if Adalo matches your needs. While trying something new can be daunting, our breakdown will assist you in gauging if Adalo is your go-to for app creation.

What is Adalo?

Looking for a simple way to make mobile apps? Check out Adalo. It's a tool that lets you craft apps without diving into code. With its easy drag-and-drop system and ready-to-use designs, making an app is a breeze. Adalo offers cool features like saving data, managing users, and connecting to other online tools. It's great for new startups to test ideas or for businesses to build handy tools. Plus, Adalo focuses on making apps look good. And the best part? You can make apps for both iPhones and Androids.

Is Adalo good for a startup?

Certainly! Adalo is a standout choice for startups eager to build MVPs, and there's a good reason for that. Its user-friendliness and diverse set of features make it an attractive option. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, even those new to the tech scene can create apps with ease. Adalo provides a plethora of pre-made designs, but there's also flexibility for those who wish to customize. Want to integrate your brand or link to other online tools? Adalo's got you covered. Thinking of crafting apps for both Android and Apple devices? Adalo supports that too. A bonus is the real-time preview, letting you see your creation come to life as you work on it. To sum it up, for startups looking for a cost-effective, speedy way to turn their innovative ideas into a tangible product, Adalo is an excellent choice.

Is Adalo good for an enterprise?

When we shift our focus to enterprise-level apps, the requirements change. These apps often need robust security features, scalable infrastructure, intricate integrations, and complex workflows. While Adalo offers a great foundation, it might fall short in some advanced areas that enterprise apps demand.

In conclusion, for startups and simpler projects, Adalo is a dream. But for intricate, enterprise-level apps with extensive demands, it may be beneficial to consider platforms specifically tailored for such complexities or to supplement Adalo with additional tools and services.


What can you build with Adalo?

Adalo is a tool that lets you craft apps without diving into code.

Looking for quick no-code app solutions? RapidDev is your top choice for crafting custom Adalo apps efficiently. Discover what you can achieve with us!

Team productivity tools

Design personalized tools for your team to handle tasks, set meetings, and monitor progress.

E-commerce marketplace

Set up an online shop to sell real or digital items, with a tailored cart and easy payment options.


Make a site to connect with people, share stuff, and form groups.

Education apps

Make an app to give lessons, tests, and learning materials to your students.

Data collection

Design easy forms and polls to gather and study feedback from your audience.

Event planning

Make simple forms and surveys to collect insights from your audience. Plus, set up an app for event planning, ticket bookings, and reservations.

Is Adalo secure?

Adalo stands out as a dependable platform for crafting tailored app solutions. They place high importance on security, ensuring that every piece of data within your app remains safeguarded. Let's dive into the various protective measures they've set in place:

• Data Encryption: Adalo doesn't take any shortcuts when it comes to data safety. They utilize industry-leading encryption techniques to ensure all stored data remains confidential and untouched.

• Routine Security Checks**: With the dynamic nature of online threats, Adalo stays proactive. They undergo consistent security evaluations, ensuring that their protective barriers remain robust against evolving challenges.

• Safe Hosting Measures: Beyond just the app, Adalo ensures that the environment it resides in is secure. This protective layer guarantees that both your app and its contained data are sheltered from potential threats.

• Customizable Access Controls: Not every user requires the same level of access. Adalo lets you customize permissions, ensuring that sensitive data is only accessible to those you deem trustworthy.

• Password Layers: Add an extra layer of defense by requiring passwords. This can be applied to the entire app or specific sections, granting access only to those with the correct credentials.

In conclusion, with Adalo, you're not just getting a platform for app creation, but a promise of security. And for those with particular security needs, we're equipped to create specialized protection mechanisms tailored for your Adalo app.

Free No-Code Cybersecurity Consultation

Why choose Adalo?

  • Quick Development Time

Adalo stands out as a platform that makes app-building speedy, even for those who aren't familiar with coding. With its intuitive system, Adalo can help you roll out a basic app with unique features within just a few weeks. On the other hand, traditional coding might take much longer, possibly stretching into years for complex apps. But it's crucial to understand that when you use Adalo and put in the effort, you can produce apps that rival the quality of those developed using traditional coding methods.

  • Swift Modifications

A standout feature of a no-code platform like Adalo is the ease and speed with which you can tweak and adjust your mobile app. In a conventional coding environment, making changes could be a drawn-out affair, taking weeks or even longer. In stark contrast, Adalo allows for adjustments in mere hours. This quick adaptability is a boon for startups and businesses that need to iterate fast or integrate new tech trends to stay ahead of the curve. Plus, being able to promptly act on feedback from investors or market demands is another advantage that this speed offers.

  • Economically Wise Choice

One undeniable advantage of turning to a no-code solution like Adalo is the monetary savings when compared to the costs associated with traditional app development. This affordability arises because using Adalo is straightforward and doesn't require the elaborate setup that typical coding does, leading to cost reductions. Consequently, businesses can redirect these saved funds towards other crucial operations, such as promoting their brand. In essence, considering a no-code platform such as Adalo not only provides a cost-friendly option but also ensures the delivery of a top-notch mobile app.

Adalo Pros

Skip the Code

Adalo provides a visual tool, letting anyone craft native mobile apps without diving into complex coding. It's user-friendly, welcoming creators of all tech levels.

Quick Results

With Adalo, you can whip up and roll out an app much faster than if you started from zero with usual coding practices.

Straight to Stores

Adalo's design lets you directly send your creation to the App Store or Google Play, all from within its interface.

Saves Your Wallet

Choosing Adalo often means spending less than if you brought in a full developer crew to create an identical app.

Adalo Cons

Not All Features Covered

Adalo offers many tools for app design, but it might not have everything you dream of for your specific app.

Speed Concerns

Apps made with Adalo, given their template-based nature, might not be as fast as those crafted with original code.

Platform Dependency

Building with Adalo means you rely on them. If they face issues or shut down, your app might feel the impact.

Limited Customization

Using Adalo's ready-to-go platform means you might not have the deep control you'd get by building an app from the ground up.


What specific functionalities can Adalo offer for app building? Are there any unique features that set it apart from other no-code platforms?

Adalo stands out by letting you design mobile apps using a drag-and-drop interface. This no-code tool supports everything from databases to user authentication, making app creation simple for beginners. Its standout feature? Building native mobile apps without a single line of code.

How much does Adalo cost? Are there different pricing tiers? What's included in each tier?

Adalo offers a range of pricing options to fit various needs. They have a free plan for starters, and premium tiers with added benefits. Each tier offers more advanced features, including increased data storage and better support.

Does Adalo provide pre-built templates or components that can expedite the app development process?

Absolutely! Adalo comes packed with pre-designed templates and components. This makes kickstarting your app project swift and effortless, allowing for easy customization.

How easily can I integrate third-party services, APIs, or databases with my Adalo app?

Integrating third-party services with Adalo is a breeze. Whether it's APIs, databases, or other tools, Adalo has the flexibility to connect and amplify your app's functionality.

Can I use a custom domain for my app on Adalo? How much control do I have over branding and design?

Yes, with Adalo you can use your own custom domain. It also provides rich design tools, granting you full creative control over your app's look and feel.

What are the potential limitations of using Adalo in terms of performance, scalability, and feature set?

While Adalo is powerful, like all platforms, it has its limits. For large-scale, high-performance needs, or ultra-specific features, native coding might be better. But for many, Adalo's convenience outweighs these constraints.

What measures are in place to ensure data privacy and security?

Adalo prioritizes your app's security. They use best practices like data encryption and secure hosting to keep your data safe and sound.

While Adalo is wonderful for building and launching apps, exporting for transition to another platform or to native coding might have some limitations. It's always a good idea to plan ahead with this in mind.

While Adalo is wonderful for building and launching apps, exporting for transition to another platform or to native coding might have some limitations. It's always a good idea to plan ahead with this in mind.

What kind of support does Adalo offer? Are there tutorials, documentation, or a community to assist me as I develop?

Adalo boasts a rich support system. From detailed tutorials, extensive documentation, to a vibrant community, you'll find a wealth of resources to guide your app-building journey.

This no-code tool lets you build apps without needing to code. It's user-friendly, has ready-made templates, and connects with other services. Picking the best app maker is crucial. If you're wondering if Adalo fits the bill, we're here to help. In our guide, we tackle common questions and give insights to see if Adalo matches your needs. While trying something new can be daunting, our breakdown will assist you in gauging if Adalo is your go-to for app creation.


Adalo emerges as a game-changer in the realm of no-code app development. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, it makes mobile app creation accessible to everyone, regardless of their tech background. Offering a plethora of pre-designed templates and the ability to integrate with many third-party services, it's an excellent choice for those looking to build a robust app without the hefty development costs. While it has its limitations, the platform's focus on user-friendliness, affordability, and security make it a top contender for budding app developers. Whether you're a startup or an individual with an app idea, Adalo's potential to turn your vision into a reality is undeniable.

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Article author:
Matt Gragam, CEO of RapidDevelopers, article author

Matt Graham

CEO. We help companies by building apps 10x faster using no-code.

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RapidDev builds apps with your growth in mind.

Starting a new venture? Need to upgrade your web or mobile app?
RapidDev builds apps with your growth in mind.

Bubble vs Adalo and Adalo represent two influential players in the no-code platform arena, each offering unique tools for building applications without coding.

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